Los Angeles Department of Water and Power is Offering Free Landscaping Design Services to Transform Your Turf

Are you interested in saving water and money on your bill?

As an LADWP customer, you can get free landscape design services for transforming your landscape to be more drought tolerant. The design can be submitted along with your turf replacement rebate application. Planting and irrigation plans are provided at no cost to LADWP customers who wish to remove turf and replace it with low water use California Friendly® and native plants. The rebates for removing lawns and water hungry plantings are still in effect. With the coming hot summer months, and new watering rules going into effect, the time is right to replace.

The provided plans can be given directly to a licensed contractor for installation and also included is a simple guide on how to best hire a landscape contractor. The plans will include a storm water capture feature, such as a rain garden, in the design. Irrigation plans include use of water efficient drip irrigation systems.

Your newly installed garden will capture and reuse stormwater, recharge groundwater, prevent polluted runoff from flowing to the rivers and ocean, and provide food and habitat for birds, butterflies and other wildlife. Once your newly installed plants have been established, you will see the savings on your water bill.

To learn more about this free design program and to apply, visit the LADWP web site at:



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