Decisions are made by those who show up

I’m often asked, “What exactly does the Bel-Air Association do, and why should I become a member?” It is a straightforward question with a complicated response.

At our core, the Association is about insight, influence, and action. We are guided by the unfaltering belief that the residents of Bel-Air have an intrinsic right to have their voices heard, a seat at the civic table, and someone that will advocate for your rights, families, properties, and our entire community at-large.

For most, our civic awareness and civic engagement is defined by the BIG problems and the BIG victories. And make no mistake: the major issues facing our community must not go unchecked. But the real work of the Association and the greatest benefit to the community are driven by the day-to-day advancement of solutions to seemingly mundane but thorny issues, and in addressing your individual needs. To that end, I thought it might be helpful to provide a window into the weekly activities of the Executive Director of the Bel-Air Association. Outlined below is a partial snapshot of the Association’s activities, conducted within the first three days of a recent week:


·         Triumph in the face of neglect!  Hidden from view is a giant clogged stormwater basin under Bel-Air Road that belongs to LA County, which we always knew was there, but had been thus far unable to substantiate (even LA County didn’t know!). Our strong suspicion is the clogged basin is the root cause of the flooding on Copa De Oro/Bellagio/Bel-Air Rd. After 51+ years of neglect and five of tireless exploration, we finally got the County Public Works to agree to clean the basin!

·                  Clearance and repairs: We completed our brush clearance and repair of the broken West Gate light shield. 

·         Continued subway resistance: Association Board Member Fred Rosen helmed a meeting with UCLA leadership to discuss the proposed Subway tunnel under Bel-Air. It was a productive meeting.


·         Ivy is safely reunited with her family: The Association was notified that a beloved Maltese puppy had been missing since Sunday. We promptly sent an email alert to residents, and, in less than 90 minutes, the PUPPY WAS FOUND! Ivy is now home safe with her loved ones. Good Job Bel-Air!

·         And they say it’s backbreaking work…(newsflash: it can be!): After a truck clipped the East Gate island (again), the team and I worked together to hoist a large misplaced boulder back into place.

·         Attended meetings to voice resident concerns and feedback: I attended the Neighborhood Council Meeting (The Association holds four (4) Board Seats on the Council) and met with City Officials to finalize details for the Stone Canyon roadway completion.

·         Haggled with Parking Enforcement on the dangerous conditions created by continued parking infractions in the area and pushed for increased patrol – particularly on Bellagio, Chalon, Perugia and Linda Flora, where parking violations are most prevalent.


·         Community engagement around increased wildlife management: Hosted webinar for Association Members around City’s proposed Wildlife/Ridgeline Ordinance. 

·         Beautification and repairs: Completed painting and repairs of the West Gate, helping to maintain its beauty and stature as a historic entrance to Bel-Air. Reviewed proposals for security cameras and beautification at the Moraga entrance and islands. 

·         Managed film permitting and impact on residents: FilmLA has four active filming permits in Bel-Air, and we are working to relieve relative impact on community.

·         Briefed by team on firefighter shortages to inform action and next steps: Longtime local fire fighters familiar with our Bel-Air streets are being rotated to other stations due to staff shortages. This dangerous issue has been elevated to the Mayor’s office, and we will continue to fight for the safety of our community against fire danger.

As you can see, the Association is much more than a community complaint box. We are the megaphone for our collective voice. And, with every resident that joins Bel-Air Association, this megaphone and collective voice gets louder.

Do you dream of a safer community, with roadways that don’t break your axle? Need a strong advocate against local government from pushing foolish policies? Want to ensure your voice is represented at numerous community organizations by an Association whose sole purpose is to advocate for your goals? Then Bel-Air MUST have fulltime representatives fighting every day for your interests.

Gone are the days of one single influential voice. The bureaucracy is too bloated and the process too chaotic and complex. Bel-Air must work diligently to enhance our quality of life and maintain the elements that make us a world-class community. 

Since 1942, we have been a powerful voice for YOU. We are the keeper of our history. The steward of today. The voice for our future. And our leadership has more experience, passion, and horsepower than ever.

Please join our fight!      

And here’s how:

Mail: Send a check for $500 payable to BAA to 100 Bel Air Road, Los Angeles, CA 90077

Credit Card:


Shawn Bayliss

Executive Director 

The Bel-Air Association

100 Bel Air Road

Los Angeles, CA 90077

310.474.3527 (o)


West LA LAPD Weekly Arrest Report 06/19/22 to 06/25/22


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