Wildlife Ordinance Hearing next week - July 13th

On Wednesday, July 13th, the Planning Department will hold a Staff Hearing to take testimony from interested parties regarding the proposed Wildlife Corridor Ordinances. This proposed ordinance will cover all of Bel-Air, and will create additional guidelines and restrictions for the purpose of maintaining various habitats and wildlife resources. Included among those restrictions are design and development restrictions, so we encourage you to review the proposal.

The Association has been voicing our thoughts and concerns with many provisions of the proposed ordinance through a series of Neighborhood Council lead forums. We will also be addressing our thoughts and concerns to the Planning Department independently — so please feel free to let us know where you stand on the issues

To recap:  The draft Wildlife District Ordinance proposes new development standards for lot coverage, landscaping, and fencing, as well as grading and height limitations, among others. It would create a new Wildlife Supplemental Use District (WLD) and apply those supplemental regulations to properties in the area of the Santa Monica Mountains approximately bounded by the 405 and 101 freeways and Ventura Boulevard and Sunset Boulevard.

The draft ordinance and more information can be found on the project webpage

The public hearing notice and information on how to participate can be found here.


Sunset Corridor Clean-up Update


West LA LAPD Weekly Arrest Report 06/26/22 to 07/02/22