Security & Protection
We are in the process of installing security cameras at all the entrances to Bel-Air. Please come back for updates or email info@belairassociation.org with questions.
THANK YOU to all who have contributed to BAA via membership dues. As part of our continued efforts to increase the protection of all Bel-Air residents and their homes, the BAA has been installing security cameras in the area, with the goal to place cameras in all high-traffic areas and ingress and egress points of the community.
In addition to benefitting from the increased overall security afforded by this surveillance, BAA Members in good standing will have access to relevant footage, with viewing and capture privileges, should a crime occur. Click here to learn more.
We are in the process of installing security cameras at every entrance to Bel-Air. At the moment, we have raised enough to fund three of our nine entrances, but we need more financial support to finish the project and maintain our cameras. Please consider making a donation to help fund the necessary security camera equipment.
Dues and donations paid to the Bel-Air Association are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal and California income tax purposes.
Contact us.
Do you have a question or concern regarding the construction & roads/street safety in Bel-Air? Let us know by submitting the following form or contact us directly at:
(310) 474-3527