Bureau of Street Services Plans another "Pothole Blitz" on March 8, 2017

The Bureau of Street Services Asphalt Repairs (SAR) plans to perform small asphalt repairs on March 8, 2017.  If you know of a pothole that requires filling, please contact the BAA office at (310) 474-3527, or email info@belairassociation.org.  We will need the street and closest street address to the pothole.  Photos will be very helpful, too.

Also, for those in the community who use smartphones, there is the MyLA311 app that is a fast and convenient way to report potholes and other issues to the city.  Please contact the BAA office if you have questions about downloading this application to your phone.


BAA seeks data from community with regard to electrical power surges


"Meet and Question" with the CD5 Candidates on Sunday, Feb. 12th