Bel-Air Association
PAY 2025 Membership
Help unite our community.
The growing membership and influence of the Bel-Air Association shows there is truly strength in numbers. We have pushed to change City laws, demanded accountability, organized our community, and have begun to address decades of deferred maintenance. As our membership grows, so does our voice. But we need your help!
Why Join?
Our #1 focus is on our members! A log of every call and email is maintained and reviewed by a Board member at the end of each day to make sure our member queries are prioritized and addressed quickly.
We advocate and act on our members’ behaves and have filed a multitude of grievances with the City to further member objectives. Efforts include:
Opposing Metro from building a subway under Bel-Air
Assisting in controlling party houses and other noise disturbances
Stopping illegal construction and force compliance with local rules
Our professionally-staffed office has developed relationships with major city government agencies including law enforcement, fire, the councilperson’s office to ensure that our community’s interests are well represented.
We are in the process of installing cameras at every entrance. The more members we have, the faster this can be accomplished! Association Members in good standing will also have relevant footage-viewing and -capture privileges, should a crime occur.
Recent efforts and wins include:
Worked with LADOT to increase parking enforcement, update and replace critical traffic signs, install K71’s safety bollards at the Moraga intersection, and repaint red “no parking” curbs throughout our neighborhood.
Renovation of the Glenroy Entrance, Stone Canyon Island, and Moraga Entrance.
New signage at all Bel-Air entrances
The Association has created and implemented multiple emergency preparedness strategies and systems, including assisting LAFD with brush clearance and other proactive measures to protect our residents and their homes from fire; the creation of 81 individual emergency prep and response sectors, each with assigned volunteers and walkie-talkies; a neighborhood messaging system for fire earnings and updates; Neighborhood WhatsApp chats so that homeowners can communicate quickly, directly, and easily with neighbors; and periodical preparedness seminars for all Members.
Our Architectural Review Committee reviews all residential and commercial building plans to identify and manage with "red flags," including excess soil removal, anticipated construction parking issues, and compliance with CC&Rs.
SUpport us
Gone are the days when a small group of Bel-Air residents could pay for and tackle these types of issues. We must act as a unified and unstoppable community if we are to preserve our safety, security, and property values. Bel-Air Association and its Members are leading the charge to effectuate the change we need, but we must have your help to succeed.
Join/Renew membership
The annual cost of joining the Bel-Air Association is $550 per membership.
Select membership plan below to pay online via credit/debit card.
Please note: If you are paying for more than one property you will need to create a separate membership for each.
Other Payment Options:
Please call the BAA office with any questions at (310) 474-3527, or email: info@belairassociation.org
Print and complete the membership application form. Click here for editable PDF form.
Enclose your 2023 Membership Dues check and make payable to 'Bel-Air Association.' ($500 for each property)
Mail the completed application form and your check to: Bel-Air Association, 100 Bel Air Road, Los Angeles, CA 90077