Paul Koretz is reelected as Councilmember for Council District 5

The Bel-Air Association extends its congratulations to Councilmember Paul Koretz on his reelection to his Council seat for CD5.  

Over the past two years, Councilmember Koretz has worked with the Bel-Air leadership to introduce Motions for change in order to protect the health and safety of our residents, as well as for sensible development in our hillsides.  Paul Koretz lead the City’s anti-mansionizaiton efforts on the City Council, authored and introduced the Motion adopted by the City Council for the Interim Control Ordinance (limited export of dirt to 6,000 cubic yards and putting a halt to previous unlimited grading that has allowed for 50,000+ square foot basement to be built in Bel-Air).

In addition to the ICO, BHO and BMO, Koretz’s other achievements working with Bel-Air Association, the Bel Air Homeowners Alliance and the Bel-Air/Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council include:

• Projects over 17,500 square feet will now require an environmental review;

• Leading efforts to create a Ridgeline Protection Ordinance;

• Support of strengthening the Protect Tree Ordinance;

• Authored the pilot project to protect wildlife corridors in our hillside communities;

We look forward to working with Councilmember Koretz and his staff on future protections for our community, including a construction overlay of additional protections that will help with many of the issues that are unique to the Bel-Air community.


Traffic Alert: Production Filming on Monday, March 13, 2017 on Saint Cloud Road from 12 PM to 12 AM


Traffic Alert: SoCal Gas Company project next week on Mulholland Drive between Beverly Glen Boulevard and Nicada Drive