Community warning out for proposed State legislative mandates
The red flags are there for a reason!
Senate Bill 827 (SB 827) - Zoning and Planning: Transit-rich Bonus
A mandate which would override local zoning controls on height, density, parking minimums, and design review on properties within a certain distance of major public transit infrastructure.
This Senate Bill, that can affect areas of Bel-Air, and introduced by CA Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) would establish statewide standards for height, density, and required parking for new residential projects close to public transport. Under those standards, projects within a half-mile of a major transit stop — or within one-quarter mile of a “high quality transit corridor” — could rise four to eight stories, and developers would no longer be required to build areas for parking. Transit-rich corridors are those areas that have a bus four times during an hour.
This mandate raises many issues: The elimination of single family housing; removes zoning from cities and have Sacramento mandate the development of building up to 8 stories (10 stories with density bonuses) -- all without parking and design review; one of the biggest - if not THE biggest threat to communities and will destroy neighborhoods and way of life. It is also an UNFUNDED mandate - a statute or regulation that requires a local government to perform certain actions yet provides no money for fulfilling the requirements. Link here to the CA Legislative website on the proposed Bill.
Link to a summary presentation of SB 824 by Coalition to Preserve LA
Preserve LA mapping tool to show impact
Interactive map: What would SB 827 really look like?
Opposition letter from the Sierra Club
Senate Bill 905 (SB 905) - Alcoholic beverages: Hours of sale
Considered a very dangerous State proposal by Councilmember Paul Koretz, the SB 905 would extend alcohol sales until 4 a.m. Councilmember Koretz strongly believes that SB 905 will directly lead to DUIs, injury, and death.
On behalf of his constituents, Councilmember Koretz testified in the State Senate Governmental Organization Committee to OPPOSE the bill. He was joined by the LA Police Protective League, which represents LAPD, in testifying in opposition. It is imperative that you contact your state legislators to voice your opposition to this dangerous bill. Link here to the CA Legislative website on the proposed Bill.
Prop 68: The California Clean Water & Safe Parks Act
Proposition 68 is a general obligation bond that invests $4 billion in the coming years to address some of California’s most important water, park, and natural resource needs.
The state legislature passed the California Clean Water & Parks Act (SB5) with bipartisan support, and it will appear on the June statewide ballot. For more information, link here.