Message from Citizens for Los Angeles Wildlife (CLAW): Rodenticide Bill Update

If you already contacted the previous committee (ESTM) about AB 2422: 
CLAW will be bundling all of the emails on which we were copied (including those from our online form) and passing them on to the WPW committee.

Comments can still be submitted up until the April 24th hearing. Please send your personal message to all of the members and staff of the Water, Parks, and Wildlife (WPW) Comittee, asking them to vote YES in support of AB 2422.

Some points to make might include:

• When wild predators eat rats who have consumed anticoagulant rodenticides, they in turn show symptoms of poisoning. This can lead to death from mange or internal hemorrhaging.

• Nearly 75% of wild animals in California test positive for rodenticide exposure. In the Santa Monica Mountains region, 90% of mountain lions and 92% of bobcats have rat poison in their system.

• At least 29 animal species in California are affected by secondary poisoning, including endangered species such as the San Joaquin Kit Fox.

• Rodenticides are not necessary for effective pest control, and have been shown to have a counterproductive effect by weakening and killing natural predators of rodents.

Please send your email to the following:


To call any of the assembly members sitting on the WPW committee, contact info is linked here:

We know this is (once again) short notice, so CLAW has made an online form where you can easily contact the WPW committee via Secretary Chinook Shin:

Citizens for Los Angeles Wildlife (CLAW) is a public benefit non-profit 501(c)(3) environmental organization that works to protect and restore the environments of wildlife of Los Angeles and California from dwindling open spaces. Our mission is to promote, educate and protect the fundamental importance of wildlife, wildlife habitats and wildlife corridors everywhere.


Bel-Air/Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council sponsoring Clean-up Day on April 28th


Traffic Alert: Beginning tomorrow - resurfacing of Sunset between Veteran and Westwood