Update: 901 Strada Vecchia and Mohamed Hadid
(Credit: Getty Images and Manatt, Phelps & Phillips via Curbed and THE REAL DEAL)
Several motions were before judge Craig D. Karlan at a hearing in Santa Monica Superior Court on May 1st. Judge Karlan has set May 29 as the date for ruling on the motions.
Hadid’s demolition contractor, Tim Greenleaf Engineering, was present in court and was questioned about the timing for completing demolition of the pool deck and the structure beneath the pool deck including the five apartments and the supporting caissons. Hadid soils engineers are expected to provide a report indicating the demolition could be carried out safely from soils prospective.
Greenleaf reported that from the time the soils report is approved it will take approximately six weeks to complete the demolition of the pool deck and related structures. This is a major victory for the neighborhood.
Recent article on the court case:
THE REAL DEAL “Mohamed Hadid’s controversial Bel Air spec mansion gets court-ordered downsize”