COVID-19 Updates

CENSUS 2020 count will continue until October 31st

A federal judge has ordered that the 2020 Census count continue until October 31, 2020.

The US House of Representatives passed an updated version of the Heroes Act to address the growing health and economic needs of the American people as the coronavirus pandemic continues. The bill includes new provisions to support small businesses; provide additional assistance for families; and allocate more funds to bolster education and childcare. It also maintains key priorities set forth in the original Heroes Act that passed the House in May to honor our frontline workers; support COVID-19 testing, tracing and treatment; provide economic support in the form of direct payments to Americans; and restore unemployment benefits, among other items. pandemic.  

It is not too late to fill out the 2020 Census. A full and fair Census count will help our community receive the funding it needs to benefit local schools, hospitals, emergency management systems and more. If you have not done so already, please head to and respond now – especially if you reside in the yellow or orange areas below. Please also encourage your friends and neighbors to respond. By doing so, you’ll be a part of creating a brighter future for our community for the next 10 years. 

Weekly reminder: 

  1. Please remember to get your flu shot to stay healthy this season. It is likely that both COVID-19 and the flu will be present at the same time in LA County this year. You can get a flu shot at any local pharmacy. For quick flu facts and frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and the flu, click here

  2. Every registered voter in California will receive a mail-in ballot in time for the November election. You can return your ballot by mail, in person at any Vote by Mail drop box location, or at any Vote Center in LA County. For more information on how to safely vote in the upcoming election, please go to and To sign up to be a poll worker in your community, please go to 

  3. If you tested positive for COVID-19, you should expect a call or text from a county public health specialist as part of an effort to contact trace and contain the spread of the virus. They are not law enforcement officers and will not ask about immigration status. If you tested positive for COVID-19 and have not yet heard from a contact tracer, please call 1-833-540-0473. LA County and City leaders recently announced a partnership with SafePass, a mobile app to help expand local efforts to contract trace and contain the spread of COVID-19. The app will allow users to self-report their symptoms, track any close contacts with other users and alert them of any potential exposure. All contact tracing data is completely confidential and private to the user. For more information on the app and to download your SafePass, please go to

  4. Have you witnessed fraud, waste, or abuse of coronavirus pandemic relief funds? Congress has approved over $3 trillion in federal spending to combat the pandemic and I am committed to ensuring your tax dollars are being spent properly. I encourage you to visit or call 202-225-4400 today to report waste, fraud, or abuse of COVID-19 funds. 

COVID-19 Updates

From LA County

Due to the current stabilization of COVID-19 numbers in LA County, the Board of Supervisors approved several recommendations for the staggered reopening of some sectors of the economy permitted by the state for counties in Tier 1 of the Blueprint for a Safer Economy.  

Starting September 30th and over the next 8 days, nail salons, cardrooms, indoor shopping malls and outdoor playgrounds will be allowed to reopen once they implement the required protocols to limit the spread of COVID-19. The re-openings will occur with restrictions in place. Nail salons and indoor shopping centers may only reopen at 25 percent capacity; cardrooms may reopen for outdoor gaming only; and outdoor playgrounds can only reopen with the approval of cities and the County Parks and Recreation Department. For specific information on the re-opening protocols, click here. The dates for each sector’s re-opening are below.

In addition, the LA County Department of Public Health will reopen the school waiver program for in-person instruction for grades TK-2 next week. The program will be limited to 30 schools a week and will prioritize schools with more students who qualify for free or reduced meals. To learn more about the school waiver process, click here.

Although some sectors are beginning to reopen, please remember that our actions to contain the spread of the virus have made it possible for us to move forward on the path to recovery. We must continue to be diligent and follow public health guidelines to remain on this trajectory. If you own or operate a business, please ensure the implementation of all necessary protocols before opening your doors.

Additional Resources 

  1. All LA County residents who would like to get tested should first contact their Primary Care Provider to see if they offer COVID-19 tests. If you cannot access a test through your provider, LA County is offering free testing, which is available for those experiencing symptoms; those working or living in a high-risk facility; those who were in close contact with someone with COVID-19; and/or essential workers with frequent contact with the public. For more information and to sign up for a test near you, go to

  2. For updated data on COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in California and LA County, go to and 

  3. If you or someone you know lacks access to food, please go to to find resources, free food distribution events and more. If you have food to share and would like to help someone in need, please go to

  4. If you’ve recently tested positive for COVID-19, you may be eligible to participate in a research study. The Westside Medical Associates of Los Angeles, in partnership with the Montreal Heart Institute, is investigating whether a medicine called colchicine is effective as a short-term treatment for COVID-19. To be eligible for the study, you must be diagnosed with definite or probable COVID-19 in the last 36 hours, not hospitalized and 40 years of age or older. You do not need to leave your home to participate. If you meet the criteria and are interested in participating, please call the study hotline at 1-877-536-6837. If you are a patient of Westside Medical Associates of Los Angeles, please call 310-289-5221. For more information, please visit 

  5. Air quality is unhealthy in parts of Los Angeles County. Please view the county’s Air Quality Advisory here and check the air quality in your area here.

  6. To protect residents from the heat, LA County has opened numerous emergency cooling centers. Visitors and staff must always respect social distancing and infection control protocols inside these facilities. To learn more and find an open center near you, go to

  7. LA County launched a new safety compliance certificate program to help businesses as they begin to reopen. The program allows business owners and employees to self-certify that they are fully implementing COVID-19 infection control protocols at their workplace. For directions on how to become certified, please click here

  8. Please remember that employers at businesses with three COVID-19 cases in the span of 14 days must report them to the LA County Department of Public Health at (888) 397-3993 or (213) 240-7821.

  9. On Monday, October 5th, Round 5 of the LA Regional COVID Fund will open. Eligible small businesses, non-profits and entrepreneurs can apply to receive grants ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 at

  10. For additional COVID-19 information and resources for businesses, please visit the LA County Help Center website.

  11. The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) announced the launch of a statewide education program to help Californians prepare in the event of an earthquake. Earthquake Warning California is a crucial warning system that uses ground motion sensors to detect a possible earthquake before humans can feel them. Please download the free MyShake mobile app, available now on the Apple App Store and Google Play, to receive alerts and stay ahead of a potential disaster.

  12. Children from Kindergarten through the 12th grade are encouraged to participate in LA County Library’s annual Bookmark Contest. For details and contest rules, please visit

  13. This is an exceptionally difficult time for all of us. If you’re stressed, anxious or depressed, please remember that you are not alone. If need someone to talk to, please call 800-854-7771 or text “LA” to 741741. 

  14. When a flex alert is in place, please set your thermostat to 78 degrees or higher; turn off unnecessary lights; and defer the use of major appliances. For flex alert updates and information, click here

Information compiled from the THE WASHNGTON POST and website of US Representative Ted Lieu.


LA Department of City Planning Monthly Newsletter highlights


LA County Assessor's September Newsletter