LAFD Launches Wildfire Safety Website Page + LAFD West Bureau's Newsletter WEST EXPRESS

LAFD’s NEW Wildfire Safety Website Page

The LAFD launched a new website focused directly on wildfire safety information. The new site is a part of the existing architecture but will be a standalone page that can be accessed directly, by the public, year-round. 

The page focuses heavily on the preparedness aspect and provides information on Ready, Set, Go. It also links to existing brush clearance information and home hardening, as well as other resources.

LAFD:  Newsletter - WEST EXPRESS

The OCT-DEC issue of the LAFD’s WEST EXPRESS has been published.  This issue covers topics as:

• Halloweeen “2020”

• Brush Smoke Health Awareness

• Christmas Tree Safety

• Hardening Your Home

• LAX People Mover Project Update

To view a PDF version of the newsletter, click here.


Food Truck on Sunday in the Bel-Air Association Parking Lot


LADWP Sunset West pipe replacement project to commence Nov/Dec 2020, ends May 2021