COVID-19 Updates

As you know, COVID-19 transmission in Los Angeles County is surging and hospitalizations are rising. Yesterday, there were 5,031 new cases reported, the highest number of daily new cases in LA County throughout the entire pandemic. This is alarming, but we are not helpless in this fight. We have the power to mitigate the spread of this virus by washing our hands frequently; practicing social distancing; and wearing a mask outside of our homes. The future and safety of our community depends on the actions of individuals like you.

As cases rise statewide, Governor Newsom issued a new limited Stay at Home order to stop the spread of COVID-19. Starting tomorrow, November 21st, through December 21st, all non-essential activities must stop between the hours of 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. in all counties in the purple (most restrictive) tier. This applies to all non-essential businesses and personal gatherings. To read more about the Stay at Home order, please click here.

Free COVID-19 Testing Available Across LA County

More than 100 locations operated by the State, County, CVS and Rite Aid Pharmacies, and private clinics now offer free COVID-19 testing across Los Angeles County. To find a location closest to you and to register for an appointment please visit:

Weekly reminders:

  1. In the middle of a pandemic, ensuring Californians have access to quality, affordable health care options is more important than ever. Californians can sign up for health care coverage now through Covered California’s open enrollment period. Consumers who shop health care plans during this time will benefit from California’s lowest rate change of 0.5% for 2021. To learn more and shop and compare plans, please visit

  2. This is a difficult and uncertain period for all of us, when many are feeling stressed, anxious or depressed. If you are feeling this way, please know that you are not alone. If you need someone to talk to, please call the LA County Department of Mental Health hotline at (800) 854-7771 or text “LA” to 741741. Please also view the CDC’s guidance for coping with stress and anxiety during a pandemic.

Weekly reminders:

  1. In the middle of a pandemic, ensuring Californians have access to quality, affordable health care options is more important than ever. Californians can sign up for health care coverage now through Covered California’s open enrollment period. Consumers who shop health care plans during this time will benefit from California’s lowest rate change of 0.5% for 2021. To learn more and shop and compare plans, please visit

  2. This is a difficult and uncertain period for all of us, when many are feeling stressed, anxious or depressed. If you are feeling this way, please know that you are not alone. If you need someone to talk to, please call the LA County Department of Mental Health hotline at (800) 854-7771 or text “LA” to 741741. Please also view the CDC’s guidance for coping with stress and anxiety during a pandemic.

3. Please remember to get your flu shot to stay healthy this season. It is likely that both COVID-19 and the flu will be present at the same time in LA County this year. You can get a flu shot at any local pharmacy. For quick flu facts and frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and the flu, click here.

4. Los Angeles County and its partner, Healthvana, are creating a new contact tracing system to empower those who’ve tested positive for COVID-19 to anonymously notify their close contacts. Since April, Healthvana has delivered test results to those tested at county-operated sites via text or email. With this new system, messages alerting patients of a positive test result will include a link that allows individuals to enter the contact information of any recent close contacts so they can be notified of their potential exposure. Another way to support contact tracing in LA County is by downloading SafePass, a mobile app to help contain the spread of COVID-19. For more on contact tracing in LA County, please click here.

5. Have you witnessed fraud, waste, or abuse of coronavirus pandemic relief funds? Congress has approved over $3 trillion in federal spending to combat the pandemic and I am committed to ensuring your tax dollars are being spent properly. I encourage you to visit or call 202-225-4400 today to report waste, fraud, or abuse of COVID-19 funds.

From the State 

As coronavirus cases rise at the fastest rate since the start of this pandemic, Governor Newsom announced a new set of restrictions to curb future spread of COVID-19 in California. The vast majority of counties, about 94% of the population in California, have now been placed in the most restrictive (purple) tier on the state’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy. The state will closely monitor new data and adjust county status accordingly.

Map from

In response to the case surge, Governor Newsom also announced a new mask mandate, requiring all Californians to wear a face covering when outside of their homes. Among the few exceptions are when individuals are alone inside a car; working alone in an office or room; outside and at least six feet away from others; and actively eating or drinking. Those under the age of two and those with a disability or medical condition that prevents them from being able to wear a mask are also exempt from the rule. Wearing a mask is the easiest way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Please follow the tips below on how to safely wear your mask.

From LA County

In response to the surge of cases in LA County, officials have implemented numerous additional public health measures, including limiting business hours for some businesses and the size of outdoor gatherings. As of today, November 20th, restaurants, wineries, breweries, bars and non-essential retail stores must close from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Businesses currently permitted to operate indoors will be limited to 25% capacity. In addition, outdoor gatherings must be limited to 15 people who are members of no more than 3 separate households. These measures are in place to keep you and your families safe, and it is crucial that every resident of LA County follow them. 

LA County Department of Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer also stated that additional preventative actions will be taken if COVID-19 numbers do not decrease within the next few weeks. If the five-day average of cases is greater than 4,000, or hospitalizations are greater than 1,750 per day, the county will close outdoor and indoor dining at restaurants, wineries, breweries and bars (will be pick-up or deliver only). If the five-day average of cases is 4,500, or hospitalizations are greater than 2,000 per day, the county will issue a Safer at Home order for a minimum of three weeks. We can help prevent this from happening by taking simple steps to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Additional Resources

• All LA County residents who would like to get tested should first contact their Primary Care Provider to see if they offer COVID-19 tests. If you cannot access a test through your provider, LA County is offering free testing. Please get tested if you:

  1. Have symptoms related to COVID-19.

  2. Were asked to get tested by LA Public Health because of a contact tracing investigation.

  3. Were in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 in the past two weeks.

  4. Work or live in a skilled nursing facility; group home; residential care facility; homeless shelter; or correctional facility.

  5. Are experiencing homelessness.

  6. Are an essential worker with frequent contact with the public.

  7. Don’t have symptoms but believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19.

• If you live in the City of LA and are unable to drive to a testing site, you can receive a free COVID-19 test at a mobile pop-up location (no appointment necessary). Please click here to view new pop-up testing sites through the month of November.

• LAX Airport is opening three coronavirus testing sites. The turnaround time for test results is 24 hours and each test costs $150. The airport is working to open a rapid-testing facility in December.

• For updated data on COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in California and LA County, please go to and

• LA County is holding a Here for the Holidays food drive to prevent residents from going hungry this Thanksgiving. If you are able, please consider donating canned goods to a local food bank here. You can also help by volunteering at a food bank or giving money to support relief efforts. For more information on how to keep our neighbors from going hungry this holiday season, please click here.

• The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has compiled resources for families that need mortgage and housing assistance during this pandemic. To learn about protections for renters, mortgage relief options and more, please visit You can also go to for additional resources for tenants and landlords.

• If you or someone you know is facing eviction, please go to for information about your housing rights and legal assistance.

• If you’re looking for additional housing resources, please visit the Los Angeles County Housing Resource Center to find affordable, accessible or emergency housing options.

• If you have questions about the coronavirus, the California Department of Public Health is here to help. Please call 833-4CA-4ALL for more information on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

• During this pandemic, we must protect our most vulnerable and those experiencing homelessness. This week, Governor Newsom announced the emergency allocation of $62 million to extend Project Roomkey operations. This funding will be crucial to keeping our homeless off the streets and in safe isolation spaces throughout this crisis.

• The COVID-19 Safety Compliance Certification Program is a great way for businesses to become trained on infection control and safety procedures. Through this free program, businesses can receive a certificate and a window seal to display on their storefront to show they are following all public health measures. If you haven’t already completed the course, please get started to help our community get back on track.

• The Great Plates Delivered Meal Delivery Program has been extended through December 8th. Older adults over the age of 65 can apply to receive up to three free, home-delivered meals per day. To learn more, please click here.

• Please don’t forget to check in on a neighbor or friend during these difficult times. To find ways to get involved and help those around you, please visit

• The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau created a resource guide to help homeowners who are struggling financially due to the pandemic manage their finances. For information on mortgage protections and how to request or extend forbearance, please click here.

• To sign up for free after-school programs at LA County parks for 1st – 6th graders, please click here. Strict COVID guidelines will be followed.

• A door slot (or drop-box) has been placed at the Social Security Administration (SSA) Field Office located at Wilshire Center, 4000 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010-9918. The drop-box can be used as a place to deliver applications and required evidence documents to the SSA Office as an alternative to sending them by mail, which may cause delays.

• On November 17th, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the first at-home COVID-19 diagnostic test. The at-home test kit is available by prescription only. To read more, click here.

• LA County wants to hear from you! If you have ideas on how to help businesses recover financially, or identify cost-saving opportunities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, please submit them at

• On Thursday, a national coalition of states, health care providers, and consumer and patient groups from across the country launched “Get Covered 2021,” an initiative to encourage people to enroll in health insurance and promote COVID-19 safety practices. To learn more, please click here.

• As COVID-19 cases spike around us, it is time to be more careful, diligent and conscientious of our actions than ever before. Please continue to wash your hands frequently; practice social distancing; and wear a mask outside of your home.

Information compiled from the website of US Representative Ted Lieu and Councilmember Paul Koretz of CD5.


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