Environmental & Housing Events of Interest

Bioneers 2020 Conference - December 5-6 & 12-13

Reprint from Councilmember Paul Koretz e-newsletter:

The year 2020 has been marked by a convergence of crises. The latent realities of climate change, racial injustice, specifically exploitation and inequality have been rawly exposed, leaving people to feel discouraged and disempowered around the world. Bioneers has long been on the forefront of the environmental change movement and, particularly this year, as we begin rebuilding and their Bioneers 2020 Conference is readily available to all, we wanted to make sure you were aware of it. The holistic and justice-centered visions being presented in the conference line up with how I am approaching our Climate Emergency Mobilization Office, our Biodiversity and Wildlife Habitat Connectivity, our Healthy Parks/Healthy Soils and other efforts.  You are invited to tune in to learn from visionary thought leaders, activists and scientists who are leading the world’s most pressing movements to hear their answers to this question, as they come together to share their innovative solutions. 

Bioneers from around the world will gather online for world-class keynote presentations, interactive networking, and engaging panel discussions with leaders on the cutting edge of systems change.

We are in a transformative moment. As we challenge our world’s outdated systems and institutions, we must seize this moment to rebuild a more equitable and regenerative world together. What will it look like?

Many among the Bioneers are inspired by the wisdom of nature, by learning from 3.8 billion years of evolution what creates conditions conducive to all of life. Diverse leaders – many from BIPOC communities – address our most challenging issues, from racial justice and economic equity to climate, education, arts, food sovereignty, wildlands and health. Bioneers’ spectrum of solutions includes women’s leadership, nature’s intelligence, Indigenous leadership, youth leadership, arts, democracy, emotional and social healing, and much more. We take a whole-systems approach, embodied in community, offering a future vision that is within our grasp today.

Participatory offerings each day include council sessions: talking circles hosted by skillful guides intended for deep listening, integrating and taking in the community’s  sharing of their reflections in a sacred, confidential and compassionate context. We’re excited to host community conversations, which begin with impassioned talks on timely and relevant topics.  

Our shared work is more important now than ever, so please join us for this social and personal awakening — a true Revolution from the Heart of Nature — so we may change the world from the inside out.

Please watch the video to learn more or get your tickets now at conference.bioneers.org.

Growing Vibrant LA Communities: Urban Heat - From Hazard to Hope - December 8th

Tuesday, December 8, 2020
10 AM — 12:30 PM
Join us for a day of urban forestry community action! Learn about the threats of extreme heat in Los Angeles and engage with innovative solutions to keep our neighborhoods cool. Help grow a healthy, sustainable, and equitable future for your community. 

Your voice. 
Your city. 
Your urban forest.

RSVP and Learn More about the Event

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/s/82983278597

Youtube Livestream: https://youtu.be/SYLn5f8HOzY
*RSVP is mandatory - Max Zoom capacity is 500 participants
If full, tune in via Youtube live-stream

SATURDAY - November 28th: Amidst a California Exodus, Sacramento Wants to Force Dense, Luxury Housing on Cities: Saturday, Nov. 28, 10 am Teleconference with Demographer Wendell Cox

Please join us tomorrow, Sat. Nov. 28, at 10 am, with respected demographer Wendell Cox of Demographia, to discuss his pre-COVID prediction of California’s ebbing growth, and the exodus now underway, and Sacramento fables that justify destroying neighborhoods.

We predict a flurry of bills starting in December to force cities to adopt unaffordable, dense, market-rate housing. You can thank Bay Area legislators Scott Wiener, Nancy Skinner, Buffy Wicks and Co.

Wendell Cox will discuss reality:

Our growth has vanished. Yet we fully expect Version 2.0 of the Bad Bills we all killed in 2020, including:

  • SB 902 (Wiener) Let cities toss out CEQA to approve 10-unit luxury buildings everywhere.

  • SB 1120 (Wiener-Atkins) Destroy single-family zoning, which is NOTworking” in Oregon.

  • SB 1085 (Skinner) Slash the percent of affordable units that wealthy builders must include.

Get ready for bills led by Bay Area lawmakers that punish cities who resist unhealthy density. Bills that reward luxury developers who ignore the affordability crisis. Bills that trump city planning by destroying single-family neighborhoods.

Here's your call-in info for Saturday:

Via Computer:


One-Tap Mobile:


Via Phone: 

+1 213 338 8477 / Meeting ID: 637 759 9629 / Passcode: 1234


COVID-19: New safety orders and stay-at-home orders go into effect on Monday


Bel-Air Association’s 5th Annual Toy Drive Kicks-off today! Toys to benefit Children’s Hospital Los Angeles & Mattel Children’s Hospital at UCLA