STATE LEGISLATION: Livable California Webinar - Saturday, December 12th - 10:00 AM - discussion on SB 1120 & SB 35

Reprint from Livable California:

Please join us tomorrow Sat. Dec. 12, at 10 am with respected chair of the Assembly Education Committee, Patrick O'Donnell of Long Beach, who voted against SB 1120 and SB 35 — bills that kill local control while failing to create affordable housing.

Known for thoughtful legislation, Assemblymember O'Donnell wrote, or  had a role in, 37 bills in 2019-20, including 15 education bills. 

But with Sacramento fixated in 2020 on bad housing bills led by SB 1120, Mr. O'Donnell told Long Beach Press-Telegram"Housing issues are difficult. But [SB 1120] was a gift to the developers, plain and simple. I think it was radically irresponsible.”

We all defeated SB 1120 and its ugly cousin SB 902. Yet both bills are BACK for 2021! That’s right folks. SB 1120 is now being called “SB 9” and SB 902 has been renamed “SB 10.” 

Bay Area legislators, led by Scott Wiener, have wasted 4 years of everyone’s time trying to kill single-family zoning while lavishing developers with goodies. In 4 years, Sacramento has approved 64 housing bills. None increases the percent of affordable housing! 

What a mess Wiener has made. When you’re done getting mad, please donate NOW to Livable California. Without your help, we can’t fight against Wiener and for affordable housing. Thank you!

Here's your call-in info for Saturday:

Via Computer:

One-Tap Mobile:


Via Phone: 

+1 213 338 8477 / Meeting ID: 637 759 9629 / Passcode: 1234

Livable California is a non-profit statewide group of community leaders, activists and local elected officials. We believe in local answers to the housing affordability crisis. Our robust fight requires trips to Sacramento & a lobbyist going toe-to-toe with power. Please donate generously to here.

Livable California
2940 16th Street
Suite 200-1
San Francisco, CA 94103
United States


Weekend Food Truck: The Fix on Wheels - Saturday & Sunday - 11 AM to 7 PM


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