Developer Nile Niami racks up 1/3 of all pandemic house party citations in the city

According to official figures compiled by the DAILY MAIL, realtor Nile Niami was slapped with five (5) of the 15 fines issued by the City for illegal parties held at his unsold properties between April and August this year.

Residents may recall the 4th of July illegal fireworks and mass-gathering party at 10701 Chalon Road where Niami claimed to have rented it out for the weekend.

For more information, see links below:

DAILY MAIL: “‘It’s like living in a nightclub!’ LA property developer racks up a THIRD of all pandemic house party citation int he city, as neighbors complain of maskless ‘punks’ who arrive on buses, blast music and wreak havoc all night”

THE REAL DEAL: “Party foul: Nile Niami fined for large gatherings at luxury homes: Authorities issued multiple summonses to spec home developer for properties that violate Covid mitigation codes”


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