RUSHED Ultra-density housing bills will affect zoning: Watch group "Livable California" sends out alert

For those who have an interest in affects of density and impacts in our local community, Livable California hosting a ZOOM meeting for an update:

Please join us Sat. May 2 at 10 am with widely published demographer Wendell Cox to discuss the rise of ultra-density housing bills at just the wrong time. The ultra-density push comes from state Sen. Scott Wiener and Assemblymembers Richard Bloom and Buffy Wicks.

ALERT: We’ve learned that due to coronavirus “fast-tracking” of bills, “greased" bills will RUSH through without full hearings. (*Details below.)

Wendell Cox will discuss vacancies and other reality on the ground, even as Wiener’s handful of backers double-down with four outrageous upzoning bills. We urge you to send letters NOW to oppose these four bills - Links:

SB 902 (Wiener), SB 50 But Much, Much Worse

AB 3173 (Bloom) Luxury Walk-In Closets, Not Housing

AB 1279 (Bloom) 120 Units Next to Your House

AB 725 (Wicks/Wiener) Density Via Deception

When you’re done, please DONATE NOW to Livable California. The other guys have huge budgets to lobby bills. We have you! Wiener's luxury housing bills have been killed by his colleagues three times since 2018. Low-income housing could be in place by now, had Wiener and his small circle in Sacramento not wasted two years. Let’s stop them from wasting a crucial year.

Yes on AB 3300: We’ll discuss the refreshing bill by Assemblymember Miguel Santiago, who would HELP cities by sending homeless funds. 

*We’ve learned: “Greased” bills will be heard by just ONE policy committee such as the Housing, or Transportation, or Local Government committee, before landing in Appropriations or heading to the other house. Meaning? Little time or transparency to stop greased bills.

Here's your call-in info for Saturday:

Via Computer

Dial in:  +1 720 707 2699   Meeting ID: 637 759 9629

One tap mobile: +17207072699,,6377599629#


Food truck line-up for Saturday and Sunday in the Bel-Air Association's parking lot


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