LAPD Enforcement and Information

Chalon Road party house event cancelled by LAPD Vice

As a result of residents complaints, a rented house that was used as an event facility for parties on the 11000 block of Chalon Road was documented, cited and reported to the City Attorney’s office by LAPD.  

The renter’s company, called Plurmacy X, had promoted an “End of the World” party and was charging admission.  Residents are urged to report suspected residences that are used as event facilities to contact the Bel-Air Association and/or LAPD.

Bike thefts

Bike thefts are on the increase and LAPD has successfully recovered stolen bicycles through bike registries.  Because of successful recovery outcomes, LAPD recommends bike owners register their bikes with a databases such as Bike Index.  LAPD has had success reuniting bike owners with their bikes via Bike Index, a non-profit bike registry.  

Click here to link to Bike Index.

Mailbox Thefts, US Postal Inspectors and LAPD

A series of mail thefts have been reported around Bel-Air.  LAPD offers clarity on what agency or department handles complaints:

If someone tampers with a blue USPS mailbox receptacle, it is a felony and the US Postal Inspector is the agency who will investigate and prosecute.

If someone tampers with your mailbox unit (not the mail inside), LAPD is the department who should be contacted and who will investigate.

If someone takes the mail from inside your mailbox, that is a felony.  LAPD will take a report that can be given to the US Postal Inspector —  but it is the US Postal Inspector who will investigate and prosecute.

The apprehension of mail thieves is difficult since many criminal rings rent cars with stolen credit cards or change out the license plates.

The Bel-Air Association urges residents to remove their mail from their mailboxes as soon as possible.

• If you have witnessed or suspected mailbox theft, please contact the US Postal Inspection Service, who has their own police and investigative unit, at You can also call LAPD and they will come out and take a report of the theft to give to the US Postal Inspector.

• The link to report mail theft and fraud is

• Please contact the Bel-Air Association office as well so we can send out alerts to the community.


Child Care Funding for Essential Workers


LAPD: Auto theft/burglary crime and new Senior Lead Officer