LAFD: Fireworks are Illegal, Fire Hydrants, Gate Access, LINK to the LAFD's trimonthly West Bureau Operations Newsletter, and Brush Clearance Regulations
Fireworks are illegal and a 911 call if ignited in hillsides!
From the LAFD West Operations Bureu Newsletter.
Fire Hydrants and Access Gates — Important Information!
LAFD is dealing with a few issues regarding firefighting operations in the hillsides—especially covering fire hydrants and access to properties. Here are some important information LAFD wants you to know:
If there is a fire hydrant in front of or near your home, make sure there is 3-4 feet of no obstructions (brush, bushes, fences/gates, etc. Firefighters use large wrenches to turn-on the water flow, and if the firefighter can’t see the hydrant or can’t get it fully turned on, valuable time is lost.
Even if there is no signage or red-curb, do not park in front of or near a hydrant! If there is a fire and the City hasn’t towed your vehicle yet, LAFD must smash through your windows to gain access. And while you may pay heavily for interfering with an emergency situation, others will pay due to the lost time as the fire spreads. If you live on a narrow hillside street during an emergency, when possible do the following:
(A) Remove your car from the street, or move to a space where no one is parked directly across from you on the other side of the street.
(B) Park facing the direction you will need to go in case of evacuation. This removes the need to find a place to turn around.
More information on fire hydrants and information on residential gate access:
For more information on Brush Clearance, visit LAFD’s brush clearance inspection portal at
Ordinance No 185789 non-ferrous/non-sparking metal cutting blades and brush clearance regulations (aka as weed whacker ordinance).
Property owners take notice of Brush Clearance Requirements:
• Non-ferrous/non-sparking metal cutting blades are to be used
• Grass or brush clearance operations shall not be conducted on red flag days
• Individuals engaged in grass or brush clearance operations shall not engage in any other activities during their actual clearance of grass or brush.
• Individuals engaged in grass or brush clearance operations shall use an appropriate extinguishing agent immediately extinguished a fire.
• All fires, regardless of size, shall be reported immediately via the 9-1-1 system to the Fire Department
• A Class 2-A two (2) gallon water fire extinguisher, pressurized garden hose with attached nozzle (fully open), or comparable pressurized Class 2-A extinguishing device, shall be within 10 feet of any grass or brush clearance operation.
• Where a gasoline container is present at the site of the grass or brush clearance operation, a minimum 4A 60 BC dry chemical fire extinguisher shall be within 10 feet of the brush clearance operation.
• A cell phone capable of dialing 9-1-1 shall be charged and readily accessible to the grass or brush clearance operation.
• A safety strap shall be used at all times for any tool or appliance with hot exhaust. Hot exhaust shall not come in contact with any brush, grass, flash fuels, or other flammable material.
LAFD Brush Clearance Requirements
Owners of property located in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ) shall maintain their property in accordance with the Fire Code (L.A.M.C. 57.322). Year-round compliance shall be maintained as described below on all native brush, weeds, grass, trees and hazardous vegetation within 200 feet of any structures/buildings, whether those structures are on the owner’s property or adjoining properties, and within 10 feet of any combustible fence or roadway/driveway used for vehicular travel.
1. Areas within 200 feet of structures and/or 10 feet of roadside surfaces or combustible fence: Grass shall be cut to three inches in height. Native brush shall be reduced in quantity to three inches in height. This does not apply to individual native shrubs spaced a minimum of 18 feet apart, provided such shrubs are trimmed up from the ground to 1/3 of their height with all dead material being removed (see diagram below).
2. For trees taller than 18 feet, trim lower branches so no foliage is within six feet of the ground, and remove all dead material. For trees and shrubs less than 18 feet, remove lower branches to 1/3 of their height, and remove all dead material (see diagram below).
3. Trees shall be trimmed up so the foliage is no closer than 10 feet from the outlet of a chimney (see diagram below).
4. All roof surfaces shall be maintained free of substantial accumulation of leaves, needles, twigs and any other combustible matter. Maintain five feet of vertical clearance between roof surfaces and portions of overhanging trees (see diagram below).
5. All cut vegetation and debris shall be removed in a legal manner. Cut vegetation may be machine processed (i.e.,chipped) and spread back onto the property at a depth not to exceed three inches within 30 feet of structures and six inches beyond 30 feet of structures. In addition, spread material shall not be placed within 10 feet of any usable roadside (in accordance with Fire Prevention Bureau Procedure No. 25)
The above general requirements also apply to landscape vegetation.
Clear Early, Clear Often.