Tunnels under Bel-Air: METRO to keep affect communities in the dark on proposals

Sherman Oaks Homeowners Association rings the bell on Metro’s lack of transparency (click here to see SOHA letter)

There are major concerns about Metro’s plan to withhold vital information about the Sepulveda Transit Corridor Project.  Metro plans to make critical project decisions behind closed doors with no public input.  Metro will not tell affected communities, who deserve a voice in the decision, anything until after they decide.

Email Metro and Tell Them This is Unacceptable!

You want to know what the concepts are BEFORE Metro decision

You want to comment on the concepts BEFORE Metro decision

Metro CEO Phil Washington at washingtonp@metro.net 

Metro Board Chair Eric Garcetti at mayor.garcetti@lacity.org 

Metro Sepulveda Transit Corridor Project at sepulvedatransit@metro.net 

Thank You and Please Email Them Right Away

Learn more in SOHA’s 
detailed letter to Metro


Bel-Air Association publishes newsletter


Party Houses: Mayor Garcetti ordered the power cut at habitual party house in Laurel Canyon