COVID-19 Updates

If you attended a Labor Day gathering and were in close contact with others, you may have been exposed to COVID-19. If you’re feeling sick, please contact your healthcare provider, stay home and inform those you’ve recently encountered. To make an appointment for a free test, go to

Your weekly reminder: 

  1. Every registered voter in California will receive a mail-in ballot in time for the November election. All voters in LA County have been mailed a Vote by Mail Address Confirmation Card. Please check your mail and ensure the address on the card is correct. If you’ve recently moved, you can easily update your address by filling out the card and dropping it in the mail. For more information on vote-by-mail in LA County, go to

  2. If you tested positive for COVID-19, you should expect a call or text from a county public health specialist as part of an effort to contact trace and contain the spread of the virus. They are not law enforcement officers and will not ask about immigration status. If you tested positive for COVID-19 and have not yet heard from a contact tracer, please call 1-833-540-0473. This week, LA County and City leaders announced a partnership with SafePass, a mobile app to help expand local efforts to contract trace and contain the spread of COVID-19. The app will allow users to self-report their symptoms, track any close contacts with other users and alert them of any potential exposure. All contact tracing data is completely confidential and private to the user. For more information on the app and to download your SafePass, please go to

  3. Have you witnessed fraud, waste, or abuse of coronavirus pandemic relief funds? Congress has approved over $3 trillion in federal spending to combat the pandemic and I am committed to ensuring your tax dollars are being spent properly. I encourage you to visit or call 202-225-4400 today to report waste, fraud, or abuse of COVID-19 funds. 

COVID-19 Updates

From the State 
This week, Governor Newsom signed three new bills to help California’s small businesses, which are the foundation of the state’s economy. The bills will ensure coronavirus loan funds that are forgiven will not become taxable income; accelerate the use of bond funds; and offer up to $100 million in tax credits for small businesses that have suffered financial loss due to the pandemic but agree to hire new or laid-off workers. To learn more about the new statewide initiatives to help small businesses, click here. 

Governor Newsom also signed legislation to ensure every worker has access to sick days if they are exposed to or tested positive for COVID-19 in 2020. The new law fills a coverage gap in federal law and the Governor’s previous Executive Order to expand paid sick leave to food sector workers by including employers with over 500 employees. The law also includes public and private employers of first responders and health care workers who opted not to cover their employees under federal law.

From LA County

The LA County Department of Public Health is closely monitoring COVID-19 data to see the impact of Labor Day weekend on transmission rates. If you were potentially exposed to the virus last weekend, you are encouraged to get tested.This means if you were in a crowded area with people not wearing masks; around someone who was feeling sick; or with someone who tested positive for the virus, you should get tested.  

Last week, LA County announced that K-12 schools can reopen for small cohorts of students with individualized education plans, English-language learners, and students who need assessments and support that can’t be provided virtually. The processes schools must follow to reopen under these circumstances are below.

Additional Resources 

  1. Free COVID-19 testing is available in LA County for those experiencing symptoms; those working or living in a high-risk facility; those who were in close contact with someone with COVID-19; and/or essential workers with frequent contact with the public. If you do not meet the criteria but would like to get tested, please contact your primary care provider. Some testing sites may offer free testing if you do not meet the criteria. For more information and to sign up for a test near you, go to This site also has updates on temporary testing site closures due to unhealthy air quality. 

  2. For updated data on COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in California and LA County, go to and 

  3. LA County is currently in the purple (widespread) zone on California’s new Blueprint for a Safer Economy, meaning many non-essential indoor business operations are closed. For more specific information on individual industries, please click here.

  4. Wildfires can spread rapidly, so it’s important to be prepared and have your emergency kit ready. Please know your evacuation route and listen to local authorities in case a wildfire strikes. 

  5. To stay up to date on emergencies and evacuation orders in Los Angeles County, please visit To download the Emergency Survival Guide, please click here. To sign up for LA County alerts, click here.

  6. If you’re a tenant, landlord or homeowner looking for relief due to COVID-19, please visit for resources and to learn about your protections.

  7. If you’ve recently tested positive for COVID-19, you may be eligible to participate in a research study. The Westside Medical Associates of Los Angeles, in partnership with the Montreal Heart Institute, is investigating whether a medicine called colchicine is effective as a short-term treatment for COVID-19. To be eligible for the study, you must be diagnosed with definite or probable COVID-19 in the last 36 hours, not hospitalized and 40 years of age or older. You do not need to leave your home to participate. If you meet the criteria and are interested in participating, please call the study hotline at 1-877-536-6837. If you are a patient of Westside Medical Associates of Los Angeles, please call 310-289-5221. For more information, please visit

  8. Please follow these steps to protect yourself and your family from wildfire smoke.

9. If you need Wi-Fi, please use LA County’s Wi-finder tool to find free internet spots near you.

10. If you’re feeling stressed, anxious or depressed, the LA County Department of Mental Health has resources to help you. Please call the 24/7 Access Line at (800) 854-7771 or text “LA” to 741741 for support. You are not alone.

Information compiled from website of Congressman Ted Lieu.


LAPD: West LA's basic car maps from 8/30/20 to 9/05/20, Safer LA video messages from Captain Tom, and West LA Station Blood Drive on Sept. 29th


Update on smoke/ash in Bel-Air