A Deal? Asking price for 944 Airole Way is discounted from developer Niami's originally touted price

Articles have been published recently on the apparently problem-plagued 944 Airole Way that the developer, Nile Niami, calls “The One.” According to ZIMAS, there are over 30 permits still outstanding and there is no certificate of occupancy issued by LADBS.

From LOS ANGELES MAGAZINE, "Niami told the magazine at the time, “To be able to say that the biggest and the most expensive house in the world is here, that will be really good for L.A.,” but not everyone has agreed. Much like Mohamed Hadid’s ill-fated, unfinished La Strada, which is set to be demolished once it’s sold, the One’s protracted construction timeline and outsize footprint riled neighbors, inspiring them to form an association and raise $750,000 to enact stricter limits on home sizes.

Please see links below for more information:

DIRT: “Niami’s ‘The One’ Bel Air Megamansion Set to Debut at a Discount”

DAILY MAIL: “Fit for a Fresh Prince! Inside America’s most expensive home - a $340 million Bel Air mansion which has 21 bedrooms, 42 bathrooms and a ‘philantrophy wing for charity galas’

MANSION GLOBAL: “L.A. Megamansion Developer Nile Niami Places Spec Home in Bankruptcy”

THE REAL DEAL: LA’s biggest real estate stories of 2020” - “Chickens come [spec] home to roost”


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