COVID-19 Update

Information compiled from the websites of US Representative Ted Lieu and LA Councilman Paul Koretz

This week, the United States tragically surpassed 500,000 deaths due to COVID-19.

Very shortly, the House of Representatives will pass President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, a robust and targeted bill to fight the coronavirus and provide economic relief to struggling businesses and families. The plan will mount a national vaccination program, invest in safely reopening schools, provide immediate relief to working families, support small businesses, and more. Economists agree that this evidence-based action is needed – both for struggling families and for the American economy. After the legislation passes the House, we will send it to the Senate for further action, and then to the President’s desk for signature. Help is on the way.

Please continue to do your part in preventing the spread of COVID-19 by washing your hands frequently; engaging in social distancing; and wearing a mask in public.

Need health care? Enroll now! Due to COVID-19, Covered California established a special enrollment period that allows any eligible Californian to enroll in health coverage through May 15th. If you’ve lost your job and health care because of COVID-19, you can shop and compare new plans and get covered for 2021 at


What phase are we in?

LA County is currently vaccinating healthcare workers; staff and residents at skilled nursing and long-term care facilities; and residents 65 and older. Starting March 1st, the County will be expanding vaccine eligibility to workers in food and agriculture; education and childcare; and emergency services. If you are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, please visit to book an appointment. 

If you received your first vaccine shot, you are guaranteed a second one. To learn more about scheduling your second dose appointment, please click here.  

Do I need the vaccine if I already had COVID-19? 

Yes. We don’t know how long the immunity you get from having the virus lasts, or if it is complete immunity. Even if you have recovered from COVID-19, you will still benefit from the vaccine.

Can I get COVID-19 from the vaccine? 

No. The vaccines being distributed do not include the virus in any form. After you receive the vaccine, you may experience some side effects, including a fever and/or fatigue. These are normal and signs that your body is building immunity. For more information on how COVID-19 vaccines work, please view this resource from the CDC.

For more information debunking common vaccine myths and misconceptions, please go to


From the State  

COVID-19 has hit AAPI, Black, Hispanic, and other minority populations, including Native American and Alaska Native communities, the hardest. These communities are also receiving a disproportionately low share of vaccines. The State of California recently published data on vaccine distribution by race and ethnicity, age and gender. To view demographic data for vaccines, please click here. 

This week, Governor Newsom signed into law a comprehensive package of immediate, statewide actions to provide Californians with much-needed relief during this difficult time. The package includes direct cash support to families, more resources for critical childcare, relief for small businesses, financial aid for community college students and more. 

In addition, to help get students back to school safely, Governor Newsom announced that state officials will set aside 10% of California’ weekly vaccine supply for educators starting March 1st. 

From LA County  

This week, Los Angeles County tragically surpassed 20,000 deaths due to COVID-19. Although new COVID-19 cases and test positivity rates are declining, LA County remains in the most restrictive tier on California’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy, meaning many non-essential indoor business operations are still closed. To move into the next tier, the county needs to have a daily case rate at or below 7 new cases per 100,000 people and a testing positivity rate at or below 8%. Please visit for current data on COVID-19 in LA County. 


All LA County residents who would like to get tested for COVID-19 should first contact their Primary Care Provider to see if they offer tests. If you cannot access a test through your health care provider, please visit or to sign up for a no-cost COVID-19 test. Testing is recommended for those who:

  • Have symptoms related to COVID-19.

  • Were asked to get tested by LA Public Health because of a contact tracing investigation.

  • Were in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 in the past two weeks.

  • Work or live in a skilled nursing facility; group home; residential care facility; homeless shelter; or correctional facility.

  • Are experiencing homelessness.

  • Are essential workers with frequent contact with the public.

  • Don’t have symptoms but believe they may have been exposed to COVID-19.

If you live in the City of LA and are unable to drive to a testing site, you can receive a free COVID-19 test at a mobile pop-up location (no appointment necessary). Please click here to view current and upcoming pop-up testing sites.


  • To help small, minority-owned businesses get much-needed relief, President Biden announced an exclusive, 14-day loan application period for businesses and nonprofits with fewer than 20 employees. To learn more, visit


Blood Drive on March 7th in the Bel-Air Association parking lot!


California Board of Forestry & Fire Protection (BOF) to update minimal fire safety regulations affecting VHFHSZ: Next meeting March 3, 2021