Senate Bill 9 and Senate Bill 10: Presentation link to what will happen if these bills are passed

Updates from watchdog group, Livable California.

At a recent Livable California teleconference on how to fight state Sen. Scott Wiener and the nightmare bills SB 9 and SB 10, community leader Maria Kalban explained how she created a huge new statewide group, United Neighbors.

United Neighbors is 75-groups strong and growing, with homeowner, neighborhood and renter organizations from the Bay Area, L.A., the coasts, the valleys and Inland Empire. All fighting Wiener’s pre-COVID dream of suffocating us in dense, unaffordable, luxury housing.

We’re blasting out to you the wildly popular Feb. 20 presentation by Maria and Jeff Kalban. Watch, share!

Incredible slideshow by architect Jeff Kalban of a suburb morphing into a dense jumble without yards, garages or trees. And not ONE affordable unit.

  • Slides: The morphing, in a silent slideshow format is HERE

  • Slides: A shorter version, edited by Livable California, is HERE

Newly founded United Neighbors’ key goals: Preserve single-family neighborhoods; Protect open spaces and environments; Ensure local control so housing is built in appropriate areas with adequate infrastructure; Create housing in commercial areas and on publicly owned land;

We urge neighborhood, homeowner, and renter groups who oppose takeover of local land-use control, mass upzoning, and displacement of communities: join United Neighbors HERE.

United Neighbors presentation is also at Livable California’s site here. 

Send effective letters against SB 9 & SB 10 to the crucial state Position Letters Portal!

The mysterious Portal is the ONE WAY to get your letters seen by key committee members and “stapled” to the official SB 9 & SB 10 bill analyses, which are read by everyone. 

Learn how to be an influencer on Sat. Feb. 27 at 10 am: “How to Crack the Portal”

 Invitation only (see invitation steps below)

  • 90-minute workshop. Q&A afterward

  • Bring your separate letters opposing SB 9 and SB 10

  • Try to write in on behalf of a group (more oomph than an individual)

  • Read our SB 9 Fact Sheet here for ideas for your letter

  • Read our SB 10 Fact Sheet here for ideas for your letter

  • Invitees will receive sample letters BEFORE Saturday, to help you.

  • To get invited, you must email NOW at with full name, city and organization if you have one.

  • Your Zoom WON’T be the normal Livable CA call number. Watch for our SPECIAL Feb.27 call-in number.

A new study at Embarcadero Institute says YIMBY spent a staggering $1.2M to convince legislators that trickle-down “market-rate density” helps the poor. We know that it harms the poor and destroys communities. 

Let’s educate Sacramento about destructive, divisive, disruptive SB 9 &  SB 10.



Bel-Air/Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council urges community to respond to recent State Housing Bills SB 9 & SB 10


A step closer to protect America's wilderness and public lands: The Rim of the Valley addition to Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area passed the House of Representatives