State Assembly voted to pass both Senate Bill 9 and Senate Bill 10--next stop Governor's desk

Reprint of extract from Councilmember Paul Koretz’s e-newsletter:

August 27, 2021

Dear Friends,

Unfortunately I have some bad news for you.  This week the State Assembly voted to Pass both SB 9 and SB 10.  Both bills passed the Assembly despite efforts from the Los Angeles City Council that voted last week for my resolution to officially OPPOSE both bills, along with a statewide coalition of local governments and community activists.  In fact, they passed despite recent statewide polling showing that 71% of voters oppose SB 9 & 75% oppose SB10.  

And while these bills still need to go through the CA State Senate, the writing is on the wall that they will make their way to the Governor's desk to be signed fairly soon.  

Our only hope now is to lobby the Governor to veto these two bills.  

As I've noted several times here in this newsletter, in the press, and on city- and statewide calls, these bills were created and designed by developers and real estate investors under false branding of "affordable housing."  Rather, they are “trickle down housing” policies based on the erroneous premise that incentivizing more luxury housing will miraculously produce more affordable housing.  

They do nothing to help solve homelessness, nothing to build workforce housing or address any of the real shortages of affordable housing, and would make developers and investors richer in the process. Moreover, if both are signed into law, they will drive up the cost of real estate by de facto up-zoning most properties and decimate environmental review.

Acting today is critical to STOP SB 9 & 10 so please contact Governor Newsom by clicking here.


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