Opportunity for stronger enforcement on short-term rentals - EASY way to submit public comment!
Short-term rental crime. One fatality and 3 injuries at Airbnb rental, 13200 Mulholland Drive, August 4, 2020.
For those who are interested in additional home sharing enforcement, there is an opportunity to act by the way of public comment.
Councilmember Koretz has a motion scheduled for City Council on Wednesday, January 19th, at 10:00 AM. It would be great to get some public comment in support of this motion. Please see the information below and the link to provide public comment.
Submit written comment now for Council File Number: 14-1635-S11 at LACouncilComment.com or by clicking “Public Comment” button below. You will need to type in the Council File Number: 14-1635-S11
CONSIDERATION OF MOTION (Koretz – Raman – Blumenfield – Krekorian) relative to amending the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) to implement a provision for the immediate suspension of a City of Los Angeles Home-Sharing Registration when criminal activity occurs at a residence used as a short-term rental.
Full motion can be found here: https://clkrep.lacity.org/onlinedocs/2014/14-1635-S11_misc_9-14-21.pdf
Wednesday, January 19th at 10:00 AM. Agenda Item #17.
(Agenda Item 17): https://lacity.primegov.com/Portal/Meeting?compiledMeetingDocumentFileId=21242