Litigation Update: Bruce Kuyper vs New Bel-Air Association

Litigation Update: Bruce Kuyper vs New Bel-Air Association Lawsuit

A litigation update from the current BAA Officers and Board of Directors:

We appreciate the time and diligence Judge Cole put into today’s hearing. The Court did not make any ruling today, but invited further submissions in advance of a July 8, 2016 hearing. The recently-elected directors shall remain in place until such time.

In the interim, in order to resolve definitively the issue of which Bylaws govern the Bel-Air Association, and the issue of which Directors shall sit on the Bel-Air Association’s Board after July 8, 2016, both sides have agreed to a new election to be overseen by retired Judge Richard Stone at which Bel-Air Association members can vote on these issues.


Announcement from the Bel-Air/Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council - Vote this Sunday


Commencing June 2, 2016: LADWP to begin work on water main at Copa de Oro and Bel-Air Road