Full House at Bel-Air Community Meeting with BAA and Alliance

Over 120 residents attended the joint meeting of the Bel-Air Association (BAA) and the Bel Air Homeowners Alliance (BAHOA) Tuesday, October 18, at the Bel-Air Country Club. BAA President Dan Love and BAHOA President Fred Rosen reviewed history of the two organizations and took questions from the audience. Concerns and complaints ranged from parking to haul routes, Board pressure on the City of LA regarding street safety, overdevelopment and traffic, emergency preparedness, infrastructure, crime prevention, and enforcement of privacy/nuisance ordinances.

Since the election of new BAA Directors on March 17, 2016, the Association has increased membership by over 90 families. There are close to 1,500 households in the six-square miles of Bel-Air. With 1,000 members paying dues of $350 per year, BAA would have the kind of operating budget that would allow the organization to seriously address many concerns of residents. Talks are already underway with the City of LA for a Bel-Air “overlay” that would differentiate allowable excavation, truck traffic, construction hours, etc., in our community. Staffing the BAA office with appropriate personnel is a top priority – the BAA has a list of candidates who have relationships with power brokers in the City and can get things done. Many important issues will take time to address, but with support from residents – both financially and through volunteerism– progress will be made. There is strong desire among Bel-Air residents to preserve and protect our special community, and the new Board – all of whom have spent many unpaid hours working on behalf of the community - is looking for everyone to join up and lend a hand.


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