A message from the Bedrosians and Horaceks to the community

It is not too late for City Attorney Mike Feuer to act.

The struggle to get 901 Strada Vecchia demolished and the hillside restored has been a long, expensive and frustrating battle. We and our neighbors, the Bedrosians, are most thankful for the support of the Bel-Air community, and the efforts of the Bel-Air community urging the City Attorney to do the right thing.

If you have the time to read it, the BAA website posted a letter (11 pages) written by our attorneys to Mike Feuer (see link below). The letter sets out in detail how outrageous the behavior of the City Attorney’s office has been and the lack of help that we and the community have gotten from Feuer and his office.

We can only hope that City Attorney Mike Feuer hears the many voices coming from our community and elsewhere in support of having the criminal court require Hadid to demolish the house and restore the hillside, at his expense. 

Thank you,

Judy and John Bedrosian

Bibi and Joe Horacek

The letter is here:  https://mcusercontent.com/731a3c744c9e6dead59080b7e/files/c25f7e4a-7804-42cf-aea8-f3cc7ab2d472/7.13.20_BirdMarella_letter_to_Feuer_re_901_SV_2.pdf


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Important message from Bel-Air Association: When it comes to Hadid, City claims hands are tied. Neighbors say Feuer unwilling to lend a hand.