Property Tax Penalty Cancellation 

Taxes paid on business personal property (machinery, equipment, and furniture) are due August 31. A late payment normally results in a 10% penalty. However, if you are unable to make a timely or complete payment due to the impact of the COVID pandemic, you may file a Penalty Cancellation Request with the County's Treasurer and Tax Collector.  (NOTE: The Assessor's Office is not responsible for property taxes, only property valuation.)

Important: The Penalty Cancellation Request can only be filed once the deadline has passed. In this case, starting September 1, 2020. 

To file cancellation request, link here.

Assessor 101

Who pays property taxes?  
In California property taxes are paid on both real property (land and buildings) and taxable business personal property (that is machinery, equipment, and furniture owned by a business).

How much are property taxes? 
In California, all property is taxed at 1% of its assessed value as determined by the Assessor at the time of purchase (or transfer). This can be confusing for homeowners, since other special assessments, such as voter-approved local parcel taxes or payments to fulfill school or transportation bonds, are also billed on the annual tax bill, These other assessments are not technically property taxes and are not determined by the Assessor

Do property taxes change? 
For all real property, including single-family homes, the fair market value of the property is “enrolled” as the assessed value by the Assessor at the time of purchase. The assessed value does not increase by more than a 2% adjustment for inflation each year, unless there is a change in ownership or there is new construction on the property.  

If you did not do new construction but your overall tax bill increases at a higher rate than normal, it is most likely that one of the special assessments or parcel taxes changed, but not your property taxes.

What is Proposition 13? 
Proposition 13, or Article XIII of the California Constitution, is a constitutional amendment that was passed by California voters in 1978 regulating California property tax law. The measure is intended to stabilize property taxes and limit their growth.

Does everyone have Prop 13? 
Yes, Proposition 13 applies to all property owners in California, no matter when you purchased your property.

How can I save on property taxes? 
There are a number of voter-approved savings programs available to property owners. The most easily available savings program is the Homeowners’ Exemption, which is available to anyone who owns their primary residence. Other programs are available for seniors, disabled homeowners, disabled veterans, victims of natural disasters and more.

For more information, link here.


METRO Purple Line: Traffic Impacts for September


Environmental: Growing Vibrant Communities - Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 10 AM - 12:30 PM