ALERTWildfire camera network system developed to spot fires: See the network map
About ALERTWildfire
ALERTWildfire is a consortium of three universities -- The University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), University of California San Diego (UCSD), and the University of Oregon (UO) -- providing access to state-of-the-art Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) fire cameras and associated tools to help firefighters and first responders: (1) discover/locate/confirm fire ignition, (2) quickly scale fire resources up or down appropriately, (3) monitor fire behavior through containment, (4) during firestorms, help evacuations through enhanced situational awareness, and (5) ensure contained fires are monitored appropriately through their demise.
Click here to view the Alert Wildfire camera network.
Hillside camera names Near Brentwood and Bel Air:
Canyonback trail TCM 1 & 2
Hollywood 1 & 2
Mountaingate 1 & 2
San Vicente 1 & 2
Star Mountain 1 & 2 aka Briar
Westridge 1 & 2
LAFD Wildfire Safety Website Page
The LAFD launched a new website focused directly on wildfire safety information. The new site is a part of the existing architecture but will be a standalone page that can be accessed directly, by the public, year-round.
The page focuses heavily on the preparedness aspect and provides information on Ready, Set, Go. It also links to existing brush clearance information and home hardening, as well as other resources.