COVID-19 Updates

Information compiled from the websites of US Representative Ted Lieu and LA Councilman Paul Koretz

COVID-19 vaccinations have started to be administered to healthcare workers and staff at Skilled Nursing Facilities in Los Angeles County. Vaccines will be made available to individuals in three phases until larger vaccine supplies become available. Currently, LA County remains in Phase 1A, which is limited to healthcare workers who have the potential for direct or indirect exposure to COVID-19. To view LA County’s vaccine prioritization and allocation, which outlines the phases and tiers, please click here. To learn more about vaccine distribution in LA County, please click here.

In the middle of this pandemic, signing up for health care coverage is more important than ever. Covered California open enrollment for health insurance is happening now. If you sign up before January 31st, you will be covered for the year of 2021. Enroll today at

As you know, hospitals in Los Angeles County are being pushed to their breaking point. The COVID-19 numbers in our community are staggering. You can help mitigate the severity of this crisis by performing three relatively simple actions: washing your hands frequently; engaging in social distancing; and wearing a mask in public. Your actions have the potential to save lives.

A Negative Test is Not A Clearance to Gather 

The LA County Department of Health would like to remind everyone that the strategy of testing in order to gather with others is flawed. A person is negative only at the time they get tested - not necessarily the next day or the day after. In other words, by the time you receive the news of a negative test result, you may no longer be negative. If this is indeed the case, and even if you have no symptoms, you can still infect others. This virus spreads easily when folks are not wearing face coverings, and not keeping their social distance.

(L.A. public health officials suggest waiting three days to get tested after exposure to COVID-19. You may need to get tested more than once.)

Vaccine Information and Updates

Some groups in Los Angeles County are already being vaccinated. These groups include staff who work in acute care hospitals, residents and staff at Skilled Nursing Facilities, and emergency medical technicians and paramedics.

That said, both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have been shown to be safe and very effective in preventing COVID-19 cases 95% of the time in large studies that involved a diverse mix of people.  While the vaccine stops people from getting sick, however, it is not yet clear if it stops them from spreading COVID-19 to other people, nor is it yet known for how long they will be immune. So, everyone must still wear a face covering, physically distance, and not gather.  

Click here to learn Where You Are in Vaccine Distribution

The COVID-19 vaccine will be free for everyone and will be offered to different groups in phases. It is also likely to be available to the general public in Spring/Summer 2021. Please talk to your doctor or sign up for email updates to find out when vaccines will be available to you.

As usually happens during a crisis, misinformation circulates and scammers are at work trying to cheat people out of their money.  Please remember that the COVID-19 vaccine is being distributed in Los Angeles County in a fair and transparent way. If someone offers to sell you a chance to get vaccinated before it is your turn, it’s a scam.

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions where you can also sign up for alerts and updates.

Click here for the phases and tiers of vaccine distribution.

Click here for an easy, color-coded way to track distribution in the County.

  1. This is a difficult and uncertain period for all of us, when many are feeling stressed, anxious or depressed. If you are feeling this way, please know that you are not alone. If you need someone to talk to, please call the LA County Department of Mental Health hotline at (800) 854-7771 or text “LA” to 741741. Please also view the CDC’s guidance for coping with stress and anxiety during a pandemic.

2. Californians can opt-in to receive Apple or Google notifications if they’ve been exposed to someone with COVID-19. CA Notify, the new statewide exposure notification system, is completely anonymous and will never track your location. To help protect your community against COVID-19, please go to and add your phone today.

3. If you are in need of food assistance; housing relief; information about COVID-19; and more, please call 2-1-1 or visit

4. Please remember to get your flu shot to stay healthy this season. It is likely that both COVID-19 and the flu will be present at the same time in LA County this year. You can get a flu shot at any local pharmacy. For quick flu facts and frequently asked questions about COVID-19 and the flu, click here.

COVID-19 Updates

From the State

Last week, Governor Newsom unveiled California’s Safe Schools for All Plan, a phased approach with safety at the forefront to allow our children to benefit from in-person learning this Spring. The new framework includes a $2 billion early action proposal to help expand COVID-19 prevention and mitigation measures in schools.

In addition, the Governor recently announced a plan to extend the COVID-19 statewide eviction moratorium and expedite the distribution of $2.6 billion in federal rental assistance to low-income families in need. He also announced a plan to administer $600 state stimulus checks to low-income residents, who, when paired with the federal stimulus check, could receive at least $1,200 of direct relief.  

The new budget will also support California’s small businesses with investments totaling over $1 billion. To learn more about the state’s efforts to provide relief to businesses and families, please visit

From LA County 

Right now, in Los Angeles County, one in every five people tested for COVID-19 is receiving a positive result. We are also losing a person to this deadly virus every eight minutes. Please remember to do your part in mitigating the spread of this virus by following all of the safety measures outlined in the latest County Health Officer Order and washing your hands frequently; engaging in physical distancing; and wearing a mask in public.  

To support businesses as they navigate continuous economic uncertainty, Los Angeles County launched a free technical assistance program. The new online resource, the BizHelp Program, will offer support via a series of online webinars starting January 12, 2021. To learn more, please click here

Additional Resources 

  1. All LA County residents who would like to get tested for COVID-19 should first contact their Primary Care Provider to see if they offer tests. If you cannot access a test through your health care provider, please visit or to sign up for a no-cost COVID-19 test. Testing is recommended for those who:

    • Have symptoms related to COVID-19.

    • Were asked to get tested by LA Public Health because of a contact tracing investigation.

    • Were in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 in the past two weeks.

    • Work or live in a skilled nursing facility; group home; residential care facility; homeless shelter; or correctional facility.

    • Are experiencing homelessness.

    • Are an essential worker with frequent contact with the public.

    • Don’t have symptoms but believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19.

  2. If you live in the City of LA and are unable to drive to a testing site, you can receive a free COVID-19 test at a mobile pop-up location (no appointment necessary). Please click here to view current and upcoming pop-up testing sites.

  3. For updated data on COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in California and LA County, please go to and

  4. Over the past two weeks, LA Mayor Eric Garcetti, in partnership with the LA County Department of Public Health, opened the region’s first Vaccine Points-of-Dispensing (PODs) for healthcare workers at existing public testing sites. An estimated 100,000 people have been vaccinated in LA County as of January 6. For more information on vaccine distribution, please click here.

  5. If you have been traveling and plan to re-enter LA County, you must quarantine for 10 days following your date of arrival, even if you don’t feel sick. If you need assistance while you are quarantining with accessing groceries or other resources, please call 2-1-1 or visit the LA Public Health website.

6. Through the COVID-19 Safety Compliance Certification Program, businesses owners can become trained on required safety protocols at no cost. Once they finish the program, they will receive a certificate and window seal to display at their establishment to reassure customers and employees that safety is their top priority. To learn more and become certified, please click here.

7. The United States Postal Service is hiring in the Greater Los Angeles area! If you or someone you know is interested in applying, please visit

8. If you or someone you know is struggling to access food resources, or if you have the ability to donate food at this time, please go to

9. To view your rights as a Los Angeles County renter, or to get legal help, please go to or call 888-694-0040. For information on the countywide eviction moratorium, which was recently extended to February, please click here.


901 Strada Vecchia Update: Mohamed Hadid’s Starship Enterprise listed as a teardown


This Saturday, January 9 at 10 AM: Councilmember Paul Koretz guest speaks on California State Legislation Updates