BAA Membership & Security

To all our members: January marks the beginning of the membership year, so thank you to those who have paid their 2021 dues.

We have installed a new Members' Hotline in the office to quickly address member needs. Alex, Shawn, and now Andrew, are inundated with calls from residents each week, and the volume is such that we need to prioritize member concerns first.

If you are a 2021 member, Alex will provide you with the number.

Lastly, we are in the process of reinstalling working cameras at several points of entry in Bel-Air. We hope to have the cameras functioning by the end of 1st quarter.

If you wish to join the Bel-Air Association, click here.


Gail Sroloff and Jaye Rogovin

Membership Committee Chairpersons


Sepulveda Transit Corridor: METRO to present pre-develoment work recommendations to Executive Management Committee this week


LAPD: Crime Report 02/07/21 to 02/13/21 + C-PAB: GRAND THEFT AUTO and FOB KEYS, Situational Awareness, Westside Safety & Preparedness Fair